Kailin Huang's homepage




Email: kailin-huang@outlook.com

Kailin Huang

About Me

Software Engineer for Autonomous Driving at NVIDIA. MSc Mechanical Engineering - Robotics from ETH Zürich. I have experience in Visual Localization and Mapping, GNSS, Sensor Fusion, Pose-Graph Optimization, Extended Kalman Filter and Particle Filter.

I was born in China and grew up there. I moved to Germany with my parents when I was 15. After finishing the German highschool (Abitur), I came to Switzerland to study mechanical engineering at ETH Zurich.

I speak Chinese, English and German fluently and can, after several years of struggle, also understand Swiss German. ;)

Projects & Experiences




More to come

My technical blog. Currently empty but will be filled with stuffs during the time.


My Email is kailin-huang@outlook.com

You are also welcome to follow me and message me on LinkedIn and Github. I am also a hobby photograph, follow Instagram and Shutterstock to see my photos.